Brazen Careerist is speaking up for Gen Y

Have you noticed the badge on this site for Brazen Careerist?  Have you even heard of the site before?  If not, you need to check it out.  In their words:

A Brazen Careerist knows that defining your own career, finding the right field, and pursuing it are key ingredients to a fulfilling life. Like the tag line suggests, when you define your career on your own terms first, you control your life.  We’re an online career center aimed at Generation Y — young professionals who want to design and define their careers using the new rules for success.

The site’s co-founder Ryan Paugh (of Employee Evolution) invited me to join and I’m happy to be part of their community.  I have found it to be a great site…not only to promote Hard Knox Life but also to network with fellow Gen Y Young Professionals.  Networking is key to success in business….plenty of books have been written telling you that.  But the Internet (and sites like BC or LinkedIn) make it easier then ever to form a great network.  You don’t need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a MBA…you don’t need to travel to every industry conference there is.  Just start networking through your blog and you will meet great people that share your same passion.

So check out my profile on Brazen Careerist and enjoy the site.  You won’t be disappointed.

One Response to Brazen Careerist is speaking up for Gen Y

  1. Brian Siegel says:

    The workforce ‘identity’ certainly has transformed due to substantial globalization, free trade, consulting, and the ability to carve a niche creatively! One can utilize many resources to connect and build their revenue building focus/contribution.

    We are like ‘tangible’ web 2.0ers walking around transforming the career landscape, leaving our ‘breadcrumbs’/footprints as ‘individual business units’. The organizational climate isn’t one type of weather anymore, it’s diverse, interesting, and companies are working on leveraging it’s talent better these days. I agree (to some extent) with ‘you don’t have to be an MBA to succeed…’ (biased due to investing in and earning an MBA, ha). The resources are there! Ability to connect with the right people the right way (such as Linkedin), and other social networks allow you to ‘e-meet’ people to learn.

    One can become an ‘instant expert’ with ‘Wiki’ or ‘google’ing’ somthing (I have heard Dr.’s speaking of patients being ‘Google Dr.’s” and self diagnosing before they get there, and a lot of times being correct). Information at our fingertips, how we utilize it is based on our initiative, leadership, drive, and accountability.

    I found this article interesting as well –

    later bud,
    Brian Siegel

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