Hard Knox Life on your iPhone

July 12, 2008

Thanks to a new service called MoFuse, you can now access Hard Knox Life on your iPhone or mobile at http://hardknoxlife.mofuse.mobi/.  The always resourceful Chris Brogan pointed the site out the other day and I have been amazed how simple it is.  All you do is go to MoFuse.com, plug in the URL of your blog, and just like that you have a mobile version perfectly suited for those new fancy 3G iPhones (or any other phone for that matter).  Pretty damn simple.

If you have one of the new 3G iPhones, I would love to know how the site looks.

The service also allows you to monetize your mobile version through Google AdSense or AdMob.  Not sure if monetizing through the service violates the rules of WordPress.com users though so I haven’t tried it yet.